
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Save money that time of the month

Okay honestly, this is a website geared to moms. This may seem a little too personal for the gents.
 For most of us we have a monthly visitor that can be very costly. Do you want to know how I get by every month without wasting money on expensive feminine products?
It's called the Diva Cup.  With this simple little discreet product I only use 3-4 panty-liners every month. For a $20-30 investment you will no-longer have to buy those products every month and worry about running out, or not having them in-stock when that time comes.

There are several brands of menstrual cups, although not all of them are marketed or approved in the U.S.  They have been around since the 70's and are completely safe.  They are not advertised as much because they are not a huge cash-cow like the disposable products. It's nice that they are also so discreet.

There are simply 2 sizes: one for those who have given birth (2) and one for those who have not (1). I was not sure of my choice since I gave birth prematurely by c-section whether I should buy size 2 or not but I did just in case (because it's bigger) and it was just right.

If you can use a tampon you can use this product. I find it's immensely more comfortable. The only problem I have is that I almost forget it's that time of the month.  The first day or so is a little tricky, but once you get your routine down, you'll never turn back.  When you first get it I suggest using it a day or two early (when you know your period is coming but not here yet).  Usually I start using it when I have a little more discharge before my period and I avoid any messes.

Our family is quite outdoorsy and we are very active. Even when out and about and on the go, it is an awesome product. I prefer it over all the alternatives.  Because I am a mom I usually have baby wipes handy. This is what I use when I do not have access to potable water.  I've worn it hiking, caving, swimming, and working out (I did all these things on a trip during my last period). It gives me control of my day. I compare it to giving my vagina a bladder which I can empty when I choose.

On my lighter days I empty the cup just the minimum 12 hrs. On heavy days I empty it mid-day, morning, and night: being sure to wash with mild soap (usually I use baby wash) either morning and/or night.  On heavy days I also use a panty liner just in case I go too long between checking and for some slight spotting.  Generally I don't have to worry about my period away from home and take care of it during my morning and night routine.

This product is marketed as eco-friendly because there is much less waste.  That is nice. I like that I don't have to have a garbage can full of pink bundles advertising my monthly cycle.  But seriously saving money is what really sold me on them. I buy maybe one package of panty liners a year. Because of strict US guidelines they put an expiration date on the product, but it can easily last a decade or more if properly cared for.  They do slightly discolor over time but since I'm the only one who sees it, it doesn't bother me.

I have used mine for over 3 years and it has more than paid for itself.

I once had a miscarriage and my period a month after my miscarriage was extremely heavy. I had to empty my diva cup more often and used a pad as back-up, but was still able to watch my daughter and do things around the house. If I didn't have this product I would've spent all day in the bathroom or worn Depends or something ridiculous. I was so grateful I had this product that day.

I seriously LOVE this product and I encourage you ladies to look into it. It is somewhat life changing and makes my life so much simpler and easier.

Research and read reviews. If you have questions, you can ask me.  You can buy one from the official site, but they are available all over the internet (I actually got a good deal buying one from e-bay-brand new in package). 

Check-out :Diva Cup

They don't have to spend all sorts of money on advertising because they sell so well by word of mouth. I am so grateful to my awesome friends that told me about it.

UPDATE: about washing the cup, Diva Cup sells a Diva Wash specifically for washing the cup daily.  You want to use a mild cleanser with little odor.  I used to use baby shampoo but after a while it started to pick up the fragrance and it smelled funny when mixed with the smell of my flow.  The best cleanser I have found is to use baking soda.  I have a small container in the bathroom and I just sprinkle a pinch of it on my freshly rinsed cup and scrub it all around.  It also helps remove any hard water build-up I was noticing from boiling it each month.

Here are some menstrual cups available through Glad Rags (They also make re-usable/washable pads (for you eco-friendly types).  I've heard/read good reviews on this brand too.

GladRags Menstrual Cups Size A for use after vaginal childbirth The Keeper Moon Cup medical grade silicone 220607 (Google Affiliate Ad) 

GladRags Menstrual Cups Size B for use after C-section or before vaginal childbirth The Keeper Moon Cup medical grade silicone 220608 (Google Affiliate Ad)


  1. Cool, I've been thinking about getting one.

    1. It takes a little getting used to, but so worth it.

  2. I've never even heard about this but I'm gonna do some research. Thanks for the info!


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