Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cheesy Cauliflower Soup Recipe Review

This soup is right up my alley.  Tasty, simple ingredients, quite healthy, and crowd pleasing.  I'm adding it to my meal repertoire.

I was looking for something for dinner tonight and I have a whole cauliflower from my Bountiful Basket that needed to be eaten.  I searched cauliflower soup and this was the first recipe that I had all of the ingredients and it just sounded tasty and simple.  It was.  I was very excited because it also called for carrots and celery (which I also have an abundance of).  The best part was that everyone at it up and some asked for more.
I made it without the hot sauce (because I only have smoky flavored Tabasco) plus DIY-dad and I usually add the spice to our own servings.
Served with tuna salad and a choice of bread or crackers.

Unrelated BLOG NEWS: There is only one week left to use my promotional code  on 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Egg-citing Easter Egg Decorating

Want to make some awesome Easter eggs this year?  Here are 4 different ways to make some awesome eggs.

I'm doing a few of these projects this week.
Patchwork Fabric Eggs:  Blow out the eggs and these eggs will last forever.  My mom has some that are decades old.  The glue and fabric make them really strong.  I did these ones below. We did some using Elmer's glue (thinned) and an off-brand Tacky-Glue.  Avoid the tacky glue because the fabric sticks to your hands too much... if you add lots of water it might do okay and they did have a more transparent affect.  I used both simple cotton fabric and flannel (see the ladybug egg).  It gives a little different texture (note: the flannel absorbs more glue).

Next year I think I'll try this technique with colored tissue papers.

See my post on Patchwork eggs with tips on making different patterns

Silk Tie-Dyed Eggs : I've done this for a few years. It's awesome.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Kick that Head Cold to the Curb/Bonus: DIY facial

This Blog entry is a little different.  A friend of mine just started an awesome blog called Swag on Momma (
  She asked me if I could contribute for her.  I was happy to help but I also wanted to share it with my readers so here's the link.

 Swag on Momma: Kick that cold to the curb.

 She also puts a lot of information about her contributors.  When I started my blog I haven't put a whole lot of personal info out there.  Here's my introduction post:

Swag on Momma: Meet Becca

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